Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time flies

...when you're havin fun!  And boy, we've had some F.U.N these last few weeks!

Weddings, family vacations, catching up with good friends... this last month in the States has been packed with some awesome events.  As tiring as it's been being all over the place (and dragging poor William along with us), we have had some really great times and made some really great memories this summer.  I know William won't remember them, but it really gives me so much joy to see him develop relationships with his grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends.  Plus, it's really fun to see other people delighting in him and enjoying him as much as I do!

Since this month has been so packed, I'll have to split this post into two parts.  As we started our 3rd and final month, we headed up to Galena with the Sauder clan to spend a couple of days together.  It was fun to have a quiet time together-- it was the first time we've all been together since Kelsey & Tony's wedding as a complete family!

Probably will make everyone's Christmas card this year :)  Someone once told me that we have a "stacked" family...and I couldn't agree more.  What a blessing to have such great in-laws!

Took William to the pool since he loves the water!

He didn't love being in his floatie though... too restraining!

Pool time with momma!

We rented a boat for half a day... William loved it!

Good times :)

Captain William

Still not really lovin the floatie :)

The kid never stops moving!

Arms out, enjoying the breeze!

Trying to get him to nap.  We were unsuccessful!

Evening walk with Grandma & Grandpa!  He's gotten so long!

The Sauder family did a NCAA tourney competition back in March and guess who won!?!?! :) 
Daddy was so proud.

On to the next fun event... my Kate Rose got married!!!!  I was so excited to be home for this and see her as a beautiful bride.  It was so special to see her so happy and in love.  And it was awesome to be reunited with my college roommates again.  It's encouraging to my heart that no matter how much time goes by, we can pick up right where we left off the last time and it seems like nothing has changed.  I love it.

Katie's beautiful walk down the isle 

YAY for being together! 

Our boys! 

4oh1 for life. 

U of I wouldn't have been the same without these girls.  Love you guys! 

What a good lookin group :) 

 So good to see Michelle & Brad!

And Anna & Brian!  They're getting married next! 

Love you, babe.

Had to take a picture of my red face after drinking just 1/2 of a drink.  No one believes me that I get all red and hot if I drink alcohol... so here's the proof!

Da Bulls :)

Thanks Kate, for such a great night!

In other news, William ended up getting really sick after vacation.  I guess he partied too hard?  He had a high fever and was really fussy (so unusual) for about 4 days.  I felt so bad for the kid.  I took a picture of him after a long day of no naps and lots of crying.  He's still so cute, isn't he?

 Before William started crawling, he discovered planking!  He would plank multiple times a day for a long time!  What good exercise :)

William got to meet Kaiti & Chris!

William & Gigi playing together :) 

 One of the best things about this summer is spending time with my niece and nephew... 
love my Bubba Bear!

We went up to Michigan for the day to see my best friend (since 2nd grade) and hung out with Cooper and baby Claire!  It was so fun to be together for the day and see how much has changed!  Still so thankful for our friendship and that we can remain close despite being far away from one another!

"Look what I can do, Mom!"

Just out of the bath and more calm :)

I think William is starting to get a "Blankie" :)  He loves his sleep sack... it's such a comfort to him!

Phew!  Can you believe we did all of that in just two weeks?!?!?!  Stay tuned for the next two...

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